Uniquely intuitive and customizable, we’ve reimagined the user experience – for a new level of ease and efficiency. Radically different in look and feel, the system is designed to simplify every interaction for seamless integration and maximum comfort. Feel like an experienced user from the beginning with artificial intelligence and automated tools that expand your capabilities and inspire confidence.

You asked for a better, more affordable way.
The answer is simple.

This is Voluson™ SWIFT.


  • 18.5’’ High Resolution Touch Monitor
  • Lightweight and maneuverable
  • Voluson Core Architecture
  • Menu personalization –reduce distraction and optimize workflow
  • Sleep Mode –Fast Wake
  • Battery Pack
  • Probe Favorites
  • Automatic Optimization
  • Auto TGC
  • Wide-sector
  • 3D Multiplanar Display
  • BetaView
  • Real-Time 4D
  • 3D/4D HDlive™
  • SonoRenderlive
  • OmniView with Uterine Trace
  • 3D Print File Export
  • SonoAutomationTechnology
  • SonoAVC™follicle
  • SonoAVCantral 2.0
  • SonoL&D
  • SonoNT™
  • SonoIT
  • SonoCNS
  • SonoBiometry
  • SonoFHR
  • Scan Assistant with SonoLyst image recognition
  • Report Editor
  • On Board Archive including preview and Pre-selection
  • Quick Setup Wizard
  • Education Videos

Skorzystaj z programu Feniks 6.1 i funduszy europejskich, zainwestuj w aparaty USG firmy GE HealthCare!

W związku z ogłoszeniem naboru wniosków z programu Feniks 6.1, oferujemy aparaty USG firmy GE HealthCare idealne dla POZ i Ambulatoryjnej Opieki Specjalistycznej:

  • Versana Balance
  • Versana Premier
  • LOGIQ P9
  • Vivid T9

Więcej informacji? Skontaktuj się z naszym Biurem Handlowym.