The range of women’s healthcare needs is broad. From maternal and fetal health to gynecological care, the Voluson ™ S10 will ensure your practice is ready for any patient and any complexity. Voluson’s extraordinary image quality, advanced clinical tools, and intelligent workflow enable high quality, efficient care, even under demanding conditions. The Voluson S10 offers expert capabilities to expand your clinical capabilities and your practice, to build a healthier community.


  • Lightweight and maneuverable
  • High Resolution LCD LED Display 23″ inches
  • Touchscreen
  • 4 Active Probe Ports
  • Automatic Optimization
  • Auto TGC
  • 3D Multiplanar Display
  • Real-Time 4D
  • SonoRenderlive
  • HDlive™
  • Advanced VCI with OmniView
  • TUI (Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging)
  • HD-Flow™
  • SonoBiometry
  • SonoAVC™
  • SonoL&D
  • SonoVCAD™labor
  • SonoVCAD™heart
  • SonoNT™
  • SonoIT
  • STIC
  • Anatomical M-Mode
  • Wide-sector (Max Angle)
  • Coded Contrast Imaging*
  • Elastography with Quantification
  • B-Flow™
  • Battery Pack
  • Sleep Mode – Fast Wake
  • Probe Favorites
  • 3D Print File Export
  • Scan Assistant
  • Report Editor
  • On Board Archive including Preview and Pre-selection
  • Advanced Security Package

Skorzystaj z programu Feniks 6.1 i funduszy europejskich, zainwestuj w aparaty USG firmy GE HealthCare!

W związku z ogłoszeniem naboru wniosków z programu Feniks 6.1, oferujemy aparaty USG firmy GE HealthCare idealne dla POZ i Ambulatoryjnej Opieki Specjalistycznej:

  • Versana Balance
  • Versana Premier
  • LOGIQ P9
  • Vivid T9

Więcej informacji? Skontaktuj się z naszym Biurem Handlowym.