Witamy w firmie Intimex

Aparaty Ultrasonograficzne General Electric

About us


Intimex was set up in 1992 as a Polish branch of the British company Intimex Holdings Ltd. From the very start of our operations we have dealt predominantly with medical diagnostics, being a distributor of British medical companies. In 1996 we began cooperation with Cytocell becoming a pioneer in the Polish cytogenetic market. Since mid 2011 Intimex became an authorized dealer of GE Healthcare offering a wide range of General Electric ultrasonographers. Our offer includes stationary and portable ultrasound devices, general diagnostic systems, gynecology and obstetrics systems, echocardiographers, both brand new and reconditioned. We operate in the following regions:

As GE Healthcare dealer we provide technical consultations and advisory to help you select the most appropriate device model and its configuration tailored to the customer’s needs and budget as well as sales services, installation and user trainings. Warranty and non-warranty services are provided directly by GE Healthcare Poland, except Opolskie and Śląskie regions where we operate independently.

  • mazowieckie
  • pomorskie
  • warmińsko-mazurskie
  • podlaskie
  • łódzkie
  • lubelskie
  • świętokrzyskie
  • małopolskie
  • podkarpackie
  • opolskie
  • śląskie

As GE Healthcare dealer we provide technical consultations and advisory to help you select the most appropriate device model and its configuration tailored to the customer’s needs and budget as well as sales services, installation and user trainings. Warranty and non-warranty services are provided directly by GE Healthcare Poland, except Opolskie and Śląskie regions where we operate independently.

Skorzystaj z programu Feniks 6.1 i funduszy europejskich, zainwestuj w aparaty USG firmy GE HealthCare!

W związku z ogłoszeniem naboru wniosków z programu Feniks 6.1, oferujemy aparaty USG firmy GE HealthCare idealne dla POZ i Ambulatoryjnej Opieki Specjalistycznej:

  • Versana Balance
  • Versana Premier
  • LOGIQ P9
  • Vivid T9

Więcej informacji? Skontaktuj się z naszym Biurem Handlowym.